this is the yee sang. obviously right? :p
my lovely wine and dine kakis :)
It was a good dinner altogether and I hope there are more to come. Wishing everyone a healthy and prosperous 2007!!!
love travelling, love wine and love food. a place to share my happiness. Enjoy!!
this is the yee sang. obviously right? :p
my lovely wine and dine kakis :)
It was a good dinner altogether and I hope there are more to come. Wishing everyone a healthy and prosperous 2007!!!
The radish is fantastic!!
And starving for the whole day, the fish head is definitely not enough for four of us. So we had some Yasai Tempura and Seafood Salad too.
We had the Salmon Fish Roe Roll as well. It's called Ikura Maki in Nihon-go.
Salmon, Hamachi, Ebi, pink one i can't remember the name, scallop in the bowl and the maroon colour one is Tuna. And the fish is Tai. Super delicious! Just melts in my mouth... yummy...
The Tai is alive when it's served. So I don't need to explain on the freshness. It's called Ikezukuri if you wanna try. The shop is at Tsukiji opposite the Tsukiji Fish Market. Must try if you visit Tokyo next time.
And Nabe (steamboat) is good for cold weather now in Japan. It's hot. We ordered a seafood nabe with different type of fishes, oysters, clams, prawns and lotsa vege. In miso soup of course.
I am so full and still blotted. How can I forget to mention the sake and Kirin beer I had? :) They're also a must-have when you visit Japan.
I love this Honda Civic particularly. Not sure about you.
火龙果和牛奶果也是越南本地的特产。他们说,吃牛奶果之前,要帮它揸一揸,让它的奶汁流出才会好吃哦!我们都在想,是不是这里的女生都吃多了揸过的牛奶果才会个个发育的波涛汹涌呢?没喝牛奶,吃牛奶果也一样。如果我不是发育了,我也想试试。:p 还是这里的男生从小就从揸牛奶果中训练出一付好身手呢?这我应该就能亲身试验咯!哇哈哈哈。。。
越南的食物也是一级棒哦!从牛肉河粉(Pho Bo),到法国面包,越南春卷,道地的火锅,市场里的螃蟹濑粉,挑担小贩卖的鱼露河粉和米果,样样都别有一番特色,样样都美味。
还有不能错过的水果冰沙(Sinh To)。我就特别喜欢人参果冰沙。浓浓滑滑的,非常香。餐厅里卖18000越币,路边只卖6000哦!一天来个一两杯,补充维他命C也很好噢!
被折腾了一整天,check-in了guesthouse过后,吃了晚餐我们又出去遛达咯!厉害吧!最重要的是我们要出去‘补充水分’~~ 喝啤酒去咯。。。:p
it's the Saigon beer
it's another day... :)
we did ask our driver on the venue for another sunrise. our driver replied us spontaneously "NO"!! we all wondered this NO means there isn't any other site or he's just reluctant to wake up at 4am to pick us up. and we all reckon it's the later one :p
so without sunrise today, we started the day at the Srah Srang, a multi-tiered platform opposite the east entrance of Banteay Kdei. it's believed as the royal bathing pool for the King Jayavarman VII. Just look at the sun shining through the layer of clouds, I love it!! One of our friends calls this the "fairy's stairway" ~~ a stairway for fairy to go back to heaven. :) what a creative thought!love travelling, love wine and love food. a place to share my happiness. Enjoy!!