Monday, January 1, 2007

the last day at angkor

this is our last day at Angkor Archaeological Park. we're tired of temples and just wanna have an easy day.

we did ask our driver on the venue for another sunrise. our driver replied us spontaneously "NO"!! we all wondered this NO means there isn't any other site or he's just reluctant to wake up at 4am to pick us up. and we all reckon it's the later one :p

so without sunrise today, we started the day at the Srah Srang, a multi-tiered platform opposite the east entrance of Banteay Kdei. it's believed as the royal bathing pool for the King Jayavarman VII. Just look at the sun shining through the layer of clouds, I love it!! One of our friends calls this the "fairy's stairway" ~~ a stairway for fairy to go back to heaven. :) what a creative thought!

i am tired of writing. please check out my photo albums to see the beauty of these temples by your own eyes.

and last day we went Banteay Kdei - East Mebon - Ta Som - Neak Pean and Preah Khan.

the only thing i could remembered clearly now is we almost got lost at Preah Khan. it's huge and full of trees and ruins. not properly restored and it's full with corridors from all corners. and worst thing is we forgot which exit our driver wanted to wait for us. we ended up walking out to two exits trying to look for our driver. :p

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